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Meet Angela

Connection and meaning are at the core of Angela's creative approach.  Whether in front of a class, or making a personalized healing plan, she is adept at listening closely and bringing attention and care to all her students' needs. Her work is trauma-informed and designed to be accessible in every sense of the word.

Angela has been teaching since 2007, and is committed to bringing healing techniques to people who may not otherwise have access to them. With a background in social work and anthropology, she works with organizations that support social justice, wellness, and mental health and hopes to help bring yoga and mindfulness to people's daily lives. 

Angela studies Sanskrit and ancient texts such as the Yoga Sutra to stay rooted in the traditions of yoga. She teaches in the tradition of Desikachar, often called Viniyoga, which is breath-centered and adaptive to the individual.


Angela lives with her family in Berkeley, California. She loves outdoor adventures, learning new things, and creating art with her kids.



Community partnerships:

Angela is on staff through the Cancer Help Program at Commonweal,  an Outreach Mentor and Teacher through Healing Yoga Foundation, and a volunteer through Berkeley Community Acupuncture.




200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Vermont (2006-2007)
500-hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training, Healing Yoga Foundation (2010-2012)

Foundations of Yoga Therapy

Healing Yoga Foundation (2011)
Cancer Teacher Training, Commonweal (2012)
Commonweal Apprenticeship (2018)
Prenatal and Postnatal Apprenticeship with Melanie Green, Berkeley Yoga Center (2018)

Ashtanga Immersion with Melanie Green, Berkeley Yoga Center (2019)

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